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Partition, Reverse, and Uppercase String

Partition, reverse, and uppercase strings for Java, Python, C#, C++, and Go

Partition, Reverse, and Uppercase String
What is Partition, Reverse, and Uppercase?

This tool partitions a string at a specified index, reverses the two parts, concatenates them, and converts the result to uppercase. It's useful for string manipulation and coding challenges.


  • Partitions the string at a given index
  • Reverses the order of the two partitions
  • Concatenates the reversed partitions
  • Converts the resulting string to uppercase
  • Provides code samples in various programming languages
Sample 1

Input: "Hello World"

Partition Index: 6


Sample 2

Input: "OpenAI"

Partition Index: 3

Output: "AINEPO"

Sample 3

Input: "Partition"

Partition Index: 4