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Convert Comma Separated String to JSON Array Online

Convert comma-separated strings to JSON arrays for Java, Python, C#, C++, and Go

Convert Comma Separated String to JSON Array
What is Convert Comma Separated String to JSON Array?

This tool converts a comma-separated string into a JSON array. It's useful for data processing, API interactions, and web development.


  • Splits the input string by commas
  • Trims whitespace from each item
  • Optionally converts items to numbers
  • Creates a JSON array string
  • Provides code samples in various programming languages
Sample 1

Input: "apple,banana,cherry"

Output: ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]

Sample 2

Input: "1,2,3"

Output: [1, 2, 3]

Sample 3

Input: "true,false,true"

Output: [true, false, true]